miércoles, 16 de julio de 2008

A topic releated to my studies

A topic that i found very interesting this semester it´s really specific. It´s about a paper that y read of Michel Foucault called "The Psychiatry Power" wrote on 1973. Before i talk about this paper i´ll say something about this amasing writer:

Michel Foucault (15 octuber 1926–25 june 1984) was a french philosopher, historian, critic and sociologist. He held a chair at the Collège de France, giving it the title "History of Systems of Thought," and taught at the University of California, Berkeley.
Michel Foucault is best known for his critical studies of social institutions, most notably psychiatry, medicine, the human sciences, and the prison system, as well as for his work on the history of human sexuality. Foucault's work on power, and the relationships among power, knowledge, and discourse, has been widely discussed and applied. In the 1960s Foucault was often associated with the structuralist movement. Foucault later distanced himself from structuralism. Sometimes described as postmodernist, Foucault always rejected the post-structuralist and postmodernist labels.

I like this paper because makes a great critic of psychiatry hopitals and how society created them just to marginalize people that was considered different and could cause a breach of the peace and the status quo. He said that this instituions use repression and violence to keep the order inside (like when they use electroshocks to calm them down).
I´m really agree with Foucault in that point, ´cause this institutions have been working as a real punichment to people that is not considered "normal". I think that if people are sick or need a treatment of a disease, we need to find other ways to help them, we dont have the right of treat them like animal. This society sentence people when they are different, when they think different, ´cause, when people has power, everything different is dangerous. In my opinion, i have to said, that to my, difference is hope.

1 comentario:

negra999 dijo...

SAME MISTAKES AS BEFORE, WRONG USE OF TA topic releated to my studies
A topic that I found very interesting this semester IS really specific. It´s about a paper that y read of Michel Foucault called "The Psychiatry Power" wrote on 1973. Before I talk about this paper I’ll say something about this AMAZING writer:

Michel Foucault (15 October 1926–25 JUNE 1984) was a French philosopher, historian, critic and sociologist. He held a chair at the College de France, giving it the title "History of Systems of Thought," and taught at the University of California, Berkeley.
Michel Foucault is best known for his critical studies of social institutions, most notably psychiatry, medicine, the human sciences, and the prison system, as well as for his work on the history of human sexuality. Foucault's work on power, and the relationships among power, knowledge, and discourse, has been widely discussed and applied. In the 1960s Foucault was often associated with the structuralist movement. Foucault later distanced himself from structuralism. Sometimes described as postmodernist, Foucault always rejected the post-structuralist and postmodernist labels.

I like this paper because makes a great REVIEW of psychiatry HOSPITALS and how society created them just to marginalize people that was considered different and could cause a breach of the peace and the status quo. He said that this INSTITUTIONS useD repression and violence to keep the order inside (like when they useD electroshocks to calm them down).
I really agree with Foucault in that point, ´cause THESE INSTitutions have been working as a real PUNISHMENT to people that is not considered "normal". I think that if people are sick or need a treatment of a disease, we need to find other ways to help them, we don’t have the right of treat them like animalS. This society sentence people when they are different, when they think different, ´cause, when people HAVE power, everything different is dangerous. In my opinion, I have to SAY, that to my, difference is hope.